A note from Greg’s sister Judith and funeral information

A note from Greg’s sister Judith

Dear Friends and Family, By now many of you know of this horrific news. For those of you who are just now learning of it, I apologize for conveying this to you via email and hope you will understand our need to use this mode of communication.

Our beloved Greg — son of Rhoda and Sid, brother to Howard, Stacy, David and me, passed away Monday at the tender age of 33. This loss is tragic and shocking and the significance of this is impossible to convey in words. I am unable to accurately, comprehensively capture in writing the magic that was Greg, but I will write just a few lines here. While I am Greg’s sister and obviously biased, I know it is accurate to say that he was one of the most gifted human beings on the planet — a brilliant, loving, hilarious, creative, witty, inspiring, talented, driven, sensitive, dear, solidly dependable mensch, who made a remarkable impact on everyone with whom he interacted — family, friends, patients, colleagues, acquaintances, teachers — people of all walks of life.

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